The strength of our company is in our team

always learning, always growing, always improving

The ResAV Team

We’re an energetic and devoted group of audio-visual technology integrators who are passionate about what we do. Whether we’re working with an individual who’s looking for a home theatre setup, or a company that wants to upgrade their sound and video capabilities for commercial ends, we pride ourselves on listening closely to our customers in order to find the custom technology that best satisfies their needs and ideas.

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Passionate about music from a very young age, Dominic’s academic pursuit of the art of sound developed into a 25-year dedication to the perfection of his craft. Throughout his career, he has witnessed the constant reinvention of audio-visual technology and has learned first-hand how to adapt to these changes in a way that takes into account his clients’ ever-changing wants and needs.

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With over 20 years in the audio-visual industry, Justin’s expertise spans everything from lighting design to sophisticated sound setups in retail spaces, such as boutiques and restaurants. His strong interest in interior design, coupled with his unique understanding of how sound occupies interior space, allows him to find solutions to his clients’ challenges that go beyond their expectations.

Let's get you started

Start realizing your A/V project today!